Inauguration of New Building

A Humble Ceremony for a Grand Project

Instead of holy water on the forehead or champagne on the bow, a bucket of water was thrown against the brick wall. This is how Uwe Dreischhoff, our trusted carpenter and good neighbor on the grounds of the former coal mine Zeche Hibernia, “christened” what has become our third new building. The expansion was long overdue, as our production space in the old coal-mine building had become far too small for assembling all the ordered tandems and trikes within a reasonable window of time.







For numbers people: In the new building, we can store all necessary components directly adjacent to the production area and no longer have to waste time running back and forth between buildings. And a so-called “airliner” has replaced the former assembly carousels: 130 instead of 64 bikes and trikes can now be built every week.

For the aesthetically minded: Owing to the fact that our production had previously been carried out in a lovely historical coal-mine building, we didn’t want to make our employees adjust to a huge, soul-less factory building. This is why we brought the coal-mine ambiance with us into the new facility. Inside the new hall, a team of masons from the Münster region built a ceiling-high façade in the style and materials of classic coal-mine architecture. A machine-green steel staircase leads up to the rooms that are hidden behind the façade on the upper floor of the building.